Concealed Carry Mindset
You may have your gun, holster, and knowledge of the law and gun use down pat, but that’s not all that’s necessary to be fully prepared for life as a concealed carrier. One important factor that is often overlooked is mindset. Mindset refers to a person’s mental attitude or inclination and the way they think and approach situations. To be ready to use your gun in self-defense, it’s essential to have the right mindset. Simply mastering the mechanics and practical use of a firearm is not enough to ensure that you’re mentally prepared to use it in a self-defense scenario. Developing a “concealed carry mindset” can help you to avoid dangerous situations and increase your chances of survival in the event of a threat to your life.
Having a concealed carry mindset boils down to 3 important statements:
1. I will protect myself.
2. I’m able to justify using my gun for self-defense.
3. I’m committing myself to a concealed carry lifestyle.
2. I’m able to justify using my gun for self-defense.
3. I’m committing myself to a concealed carry lifestyle.
CONCEALED CARRY MINDSET: I will protect myself
When purchasing a gun for the first time, it’s not just a matter of buying a weapon; it’s about the important reason behind it – self-defense and protection. While this may seem like a straightforward statement, it entails a lot more than just owning a gun. To truly embrace this responsibility, you need to answer some critical questions that help you develop a concealed carry mindset. This mindset statement cannot be achieved on its own; it requires understanding and accepting the consequences of taking someone’s life in self-defense when committing to a concealed carry lifestyle.
CONCEALED CARRY MINDSET: Justify using your gun for self-defense.
The subsequent statement is “I am prepared to justify the use of my gun for self-defense.” What does this entail? It means that you are willing to utilize your gun against an attacker, which may result in taking their life, in order to protect your own or your loved ones’ lives. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. You must be prepared to cope with the consequences of taking a life in self-defense, even if it is justified.
Consider the legal implications. Are you ready to defend your actions in court? Consider the social effects. Are you prepared to lose friendships and possibly family ties? While I believe that the risk of these consequences is worth it when it comes to saving my life, you must come to the same realization. If you can’t, that’s okay. Each person is unique. There are other non-lethal tools available that you can investigate and any tool is better than nothing.
If you are not ready to utilize your gun in a life and death situation, you are not ready to carry a gun. The concealed carry mindset begins with the deep desire to survive. Additionally, the concealed carry mindset must include a willingness to do whatever it takes to survive. I’m not implying that you should WANT to use your gun; the goal is to avoid using it at all costs. However, if you NEED to use your gun, you must be prepared.
CONCEALED CARRY MINDSET: Commit to the concealed carry lifestyle.
The next aspect of the concealed carry mindset is all about commitment. Carrying a concealed firearm is not a casual activity. If you have this mindset, you have an innate desire to be able to defend yourself everywhere you go every day. You wake up, get dressed, put on your holster, and attach your gun. Note: some holsters require you to attach your gun before putting on the holster. There will be occasions when you are unable to carry due to laws that prohibit carrying in particular locations or participating in specific activities. However, when you can carry, you will do so. Be committed to changing your wardrobe if necessary and find the best holster for your body type and clothing style for your firearm.
One thing that you may not consider when thinking about this lifestyle change is the importance of situational awareness. You are committing to carrying your firearm every single day AND doing your best to avoid any hazardous situations. You may believe that this is self-evident, but you may be taken aback by the lack of situational awareness that many people exhibit. Do you ever leave a store and immediately start checking your phone, or do you check your receipt and dig in your purse for your keys? Failure to prepare to leave and not being aware of your surroundings may prevent you from detecting danger. Being prepared to defend yourself is only half the battle. You must also take every action necessary to avoid potential threats.
A concealed carry lifestyle also necessitates a commitment to
If you want to develop the concealed carry mindset, it takes practice and introspection. You must ask yourself the tough questions and answer them honestly. Are you mentally and emotionally prepared to use your gun in self-defense? Are you willing to adjust your daily habits and clothing to accommodate carrying a gun and holster?
To cultivate the concealed carry mindset, start by carrying regularly and getting comfortable with the feeling of the gun and holster. Gradually increase the amount of time you carry until it feels natural and normal. Be mindful of your surroundings at all times and avoid potentially dangerous situations whenever possible. Practice improving your situational awareness by playing games that challenge your observation skills.
Additionally, commit to ongoing education and training to keep your skills and knowledge sharp. Continuously learning and practicing with your gun will help you to stay prepared in case you ever need to use it in self-defense. By consistently working on these aspects, you will develop a strong concealed carry mindset that will help you stay safe and confident in any situation.
FINAL THOUGHTS: CC mindset means total commitment.
To become a responsible gun owner, you must fully commit yourself to this lifestyle. You are now responsible for your own safety and well-being, and must take this responsibility seriously. Your ultimate goal is to protect yourself and others, and using your gun should only be a last resort in a dangerous situation. However, you must be prepared to use it if necessary.
Commit to being the best self-protector you can be. This involves continued education and training, as well as staying up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations. Never allow yourself to become complacent in your knowledge or skills. Keep learning, practicing, and perfecting your abilities. Simply owning a gun is not enough; you must be committed to using it responsibly and effectively if needed.